Dreamweaver is one of the most popular web design tools currently available. It is set up on a personal computer or laptop and one of its main advantages is the fact that it will enable you to build and maintain a number of websites simultaneously with ease. Furthermore, you'll be able to create buttons and menus with different functions even if you don't have any previous experience, not mentioning that it includes a lot of templates for a number of kinds of websites. In addition, you can make contact forms that you can add to your websites so that visitors will be able to contact you. The aforementioned things are executed using WYSIWYG interface, however more experienced users are also able to view and modify the raw code right away. Dreamweaver also features image-editing software instruments, so you're able to manage any graphic file in the program without the need for a third-party software tool.

Dreamweaver Compatible in Hosting

All of the hosting that we provide are Dreamweaver-compatible, so you'll be able to employ this website design application with our services without a problem. You'll be able to upload your new content directly from the program - you don't have to sign in to your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel and / or employ a third-party FTP application. Alternatively, you can type in the FTP details for your account in Dreamweaver and the software will publish the web pages that you have created and they'll go live on the world wide web without delay. You are able to update your website just as easily, as every time you modify anything on your desktop computer or laptop, you can publish the updated content and the file on our server will be substituted with the updated one instantly. Thus, you will be able to make and maintain a fantastic and feature-rich site quick and easy and make it visible on the worldwide web with only a few clicks.

Dreamweaver Compatible in Semi-dedicated Servers

All Linux semi-dedicated servers that we provide are suitable for hosting sites built with Dreamweaver. As soon as you make the site on your computer, you can just hit the publish button and type in the FTP login details for your account on our end. All files will be copied to our cloud platform without having to use the Hepsia Control Panel or any other FTP client. The details you enter in the Dreamweaver settings area is saved, so you can easily update your website by altering the pages on your end and clicking on the Publish button - it is as easy as that. You can also create and manage several websites concurrently - you just need to set up several FTP accounts through your Control Panel, each of them with access to just a single domain folder, then choose the needed account when you publish your website via Dreamweaver.